Knowledge Team
If you are an individual user and you have forgotten your password, you can go to and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
If you have a company account and have forgotten the password, you can go to your unique portal (https://[companyname] and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
Knowledge Team
Inconsistencies in the handling and care of sensitive personal and business data have resulted in millions of unintentional breaches in data security. Per Gemalto, in 2014 alone, more than one billion personal records were illegally accessed, including health, financial, email and home address data, and other personal information like Social Security numbers. This course demonstrates the things you can do physically and technically to protect sensitive information.
This course covers some critical ways to ensure sensitive information is handled properly. Topics discussed include physically protecting sensitive information, issues with using public networks, data encryption, data destruction, and the reporting of data incidents.
Use this course with all your employees to ensure everyone follows the proper methods to protect sensitive information in the workplace and on-the-go.
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