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Knowledge Team
This Video On Demand provides an overview of the 2015 National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) 70E standards that facilitate electrical worker safety. The video explains when energized work is allowed, and what is required to obtain an energized electrical work permit. Qualified electrical workers learn about limited, restricted and prohibited approach boundaries to provide protection from electric shock and arc flashes. A thorough discussion of arc-rated clothing and equipment is provided, along with the risks of failing to use appropriate arc-rated clothing.
The NFPA Hazard risk categories are addressed and the types of personal protective equipment required for each hazard risk category is explained.
This important video training helps electrical workers become familiar with the updates in the 2015 NFPA 70E standards and how to apply them when performing electrical work. It also reminds qualified electrical workers about the steps they can take to ensure co-workers remain safe while electrical work is ongoing. It should be required viewing for all electricians.
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