Knowledge Team
If you are an individual user and you have forgotten your password, you can go to and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
If you have a company account and have forgotten the password, you can go to your unique portal (https://[companyname] and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
Knowledge Team
Workers of different age groups may have different ways of working and communicating. However, we sometimes let generational tensions lead us to not value workers with a different level of experience than our own. This video training explores how to leverage the power of multiple generations in the workplace.
This video training, using a humorous approach, educates viewers about respecting the strengths of workers of different ages. Viewers learn how to find common ground with co-workers of other generations.
Use this video to educate viewers about successfully leveraging the power of generations.
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