Knowledge Team
If you are an individual user and you have forgotten your password, you can go to and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
If you have a company account and have forgotten the password, you can go to your unique portal (https://[companyname] and click the "I can't access my account" link to reset the password.
Knowledge Team
Macros help Access users automate lengthy, repetitive steps and reduce errors. This video training makes it simple to perform complex functions in Access by creating macros. It covers the action catalog and its use, creating a macro for a menu item action, associating a macro with an event, the run macro action, how to validate data with a macro and how to automate data entry with a macro. Common problems users encounter when creating macros are explained. The video discusses troubleshooting and testing macros. Harness the power of Access by creating and working with macros. Users will minimize errors and increase efficiency after viewing this training.
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